Paid Parental Leave
The Paid Parental Leave policy is accessible through the link above and DHR’s Statutes, Rules, and Policies page.
State employee insurance information is accessible through the Department of Administration- Office of Group Insurance.
Retirement and Savings
Retirement benefits information is accessible through PERSI, Idaho’s Public Employee Retirement System.
Life Changes and Events
As life continually changes, this Life Events section of the Employee Portal has been created to help guide State Employees through the experience.
Work Changes and Events
This page guides State Employees through work-related changes.
EAP Flyers
Life can be stressful. An Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, provides confidential, short-term counseling services for benefit-eligible employees and their dependents to help them handle concerns constructively before they become major issues.
Holidays and Leave
Holidays and Leave information is accessible through the drop-down box below and DHR’s Statutes, Rules, and Policies page.
State Leave Information
Controller’s Office
Accounting, payroll & computer services; Transparent Idaho